AES hopes our students, parents, staff, and their families have a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving. We are very thankful for each of you. Enjoy your time together and be sure to tell those you love how thankful you are for them.
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Every class in the school had a person to do a read aloud today.. Nothing beats a great read aloud . #AEW #AESRocks #AllendaleForward
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Gobble, gobble!
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Thanksgiving Break
Reminder: Tomorrow, November 22, 2019 is an Early Release day for students!
about 5 years ago, ACS
Early Release Day
It's almost that time again! Our Monthly Community Meeting will be held on Monday, November 25th at 6 PM at Allendale-Fairfax High School in the Multipurpose Room! We can't to celebrate our brilliant scholars, our amazing staff, share District updates and spotlight Fairfax Elementary School! We'll see you there!
about 5 years ago, ACS
November Community Meeting
The faculty, staff and students had a great time at Game Day! The staff took on the students in Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, Family Feud, Kahoot and a Minute to Win It! #AEW2019 #AESRocks #AllendaleForward
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
A shout out to all of the #parents out there who play such a critical role in student success. We celebrate you. You all ROCK! #AEW2019
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Thank you
Donuts for Dads was awesome this morning and it wouldn’t have been without the incredible dads and mentors present this morning! We can’t thank you all enough!!
about 5 years ago, ACS
Donuts for Dads
Thompson Donuts for Dads
Creech Donuts for Dads
Donuts for Dads
Parents, Scholastic Book Fair is here for one more day! Let's continue to foster the love for reading by purchasing books for our scholars!
about 5 years ago, ACS
Book Fair
The rain didn’t stop the fun at the ACS Community-Wide Fall Festival! Every student collected lots of treats from community groups and organizations, played games and received BOOKS! The District’s focus on literacy was in full swing! Check out the ACS Facebook for photos!
about 5 years ago, ACS
Leath and kids
Reading with student
The ACS Community-Wide Fall Festival is a day away! Tomorrow, from 6 PM to 8 PM, we will have storytelling, the truck or treat, book giveaways, the ACS Community Meeting and much more! Due to rain predictions, activities will take place in the AFM/HS gym. We’ll see you there!
about 5 years ago, ACS
Fall Festival
What happens when the morning custodian is absent? A staff member steps up to get the job done! Thanks Ms. Robinson! #AESRocks #AllendaleForward #ChangingtheHeadlines #Teamwork
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
In lieu of our traditional ACS Monthly Community Meeting for the month of October, Allendale County Schools will host the ACS Community-Wide Fall Festival! The event will include face-painting, storytelling, trunk-or-treat, games, music, free books for students and an update from the school district! Come out and join us for a night of fun and reading!
about 5 years ago, ACS
Fall Fest
We were all “Pinked” Out for Breast Cancer Awareness. All faculty, staff and students were encouraged to wear "pink" to demonstrate that we stand together, united against breast cancer. #AESRocks #AllendaleForward #ChangingtheHeadlines
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Pink Out
Pink Out
Pink Out
Pink Out
Adults like treats too and that’s why the Treat Trolley comes around to every staff member on Friday. #AESRocks AllendaleForward # ChangingtheHeadlines
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Treat Trolley
The Good News Call of the Day goes to this young scholar. He has been working hard towards a goal and he made it! #AESRocks #AllendaleForward #ChangingtheHeadlines
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Our Good News Call of the Day goes to Antwone! He is an all around great kid with a sweet personality. Just look at that smile! His mom is very proud. #AESRocks #AllendaleForward #ChangingtheHeadlines #GoodNewsCalloftheDay
about 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Good News Call
ACS is offering Saturday School for all K-12 students who need additional support in math and reading. Dates for Saturday School are October 12th & 19th, November 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd December 7th, 14th and January 11th & 25th.
over 5 years ago, ACS
Saturday School
October is Fire Prevention Month. Thank you to the Allendale County Fire Department for visiting Allendale Elementary today and speaking to our students about fire safety! #ACSRocks #AllendaleForward #ChangingTheHeadlines
over 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Cookies and Canvas was a big hit! Everyone had a great time eating snacks and painting. The pictures turned out great! . # AESRocks #AllendaleForward #ChangingtheHeadlines
over 5 years ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Cookies and Canvas
Cookies and Canvas
Cookies and Canvas
Cookies and Canvas